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CSS Painting, making a painting using CSS

This article is in Spanish but it is amazing how this designer has made a picture using CSS, it would be interesting to see this expanded on further.
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Top 50 logo design tutorials

A great list of tutorials for designing various kinds of logos, from easy to complex. This list ca help you get inspiration and learn techniques to designing better logos.
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How to think like a web design client

Having trouble getting clients to see things your way? Maybe its time you spoke their language, argues Paul Boag. He points out that when it comes to commercial web design, it's all about the business case.
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IA One Sheeters

Quick and easy marketing tools for information architects. They're like mini brochures to advertise IA deliverables and promote the IA practice in your company.
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CSS Backgrounds in Web Design 101

Paul O'Brien clarifies the basic rules governing backgrounds, and how to use CSS to bring backgrounds under your design control.
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An Event Apart Chicago 2007

Tickets are now available for An Event Apart Chicago 2007, August 27–28, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.
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Using HTML Lists Properly

Choose wisely from ordered, unordered, and definition lists.
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What are web standards?

This is a comprehensive article on web standards, the semantic web and everything that is web design. Take a look at Robert Nyman's informative article.
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WCAG 2.0 Working Draft updated

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 have been released by the W3C, so make sure you pay close attention to all of the new accessibility standards in your designs and update some of your older designs to accommodate these new standards.
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60 Elegant and Visually Appealling Designs

A large collection of 60 of the best designs out there, a great list of wonderful web sites and a lot of good inspiration for those of us that need it today-- or in the future.

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